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Rails download file from url

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Active Storage Overview — Ruby on Rails Guides

Jan 10,  · Approaches for sending files to a Rails 5 API. Multipart form data. medium photos will be x pixels and up and will be put into the /images/medium directory. default_url is also an optional parameter used to specify the path of a default image that will be returned if the object from the model does not have an attached image. You can. Oct 31,  · Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Open in Desktop Download ZIP Launching GitHub Desktop. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Go back. Launching GitHub Desktop. If nothing happens, download a library to attach cloud and local files to Rails applications; Action Text, a library to handle rich text. In my rails app a user can download a video file one by one. What i'd like to happen is for the user to be able to download a ton of video files in parallel instead of having to manually click to download each one. Each video has an S3 URL and the filesize is normally about MB, though some files can .

rails download file from url

Rails download file from url

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. I have a download link in my app from which users should be able to download files which are stored on s3. These files will be publicly accessible on urls which look something like. I like this option because you have better control. You are not sending users to s3, which might be confusing to some users.

I think the best way to handle this is using an expiring S3 url. The other methods have the following issues:. If you still wanted to keep your download action for some reason then just use this:. Thanks to guilleva for his guidance. Solutions above help but my app accepts different kinds of documents.

So if you need the same behavior, this helps for me:. The file is being saved in the attachment field of DriveDocument object. I hope this helps. The following is what ended up working well for me.

Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 6 months ago. Active 4 months ago. Viewed 36k times. How do I allow users to download S3 files? David Tuite David Tuite Solid 11 11 bronze badges. MehulKar in that case you need to use attachment, rails download file from url. Note when accessing private files on S3 as shown herethe S3 URL will contain your secret AWS credentials so the browser can make an authenticated request.

It won't be obvious if the download works and the user flow stays on your page, but when it doesn't work for example the file doesn't exist then the error page rails download file from url S3 will have the credentials visible on the URL.

This is a pretty big security risk. So in this solution the open method does not download the entire file first? For large files, this can be confusing for the user who waits for the server to download the file first and then stream it to the user. Plus, it takes up to twice as long then just having the user download directly from S3, rails download file from url.

Worth pointing out in addition to JoshPinter's observation of it being slower because the data goes through an intermediary instead of directit also puts extra load on your server and is blocking, though you can offload it to a background task. Downloading the file directly from S3 is more efficient plus S3 has decent error pages - but your AWS credentials will be visible when accessing private files. The other methods have the following issues: The file downloads to the server first and then to the user.

Ties up the Ruby process. Requires an additional download controller rails download file from url. My implementation looks like this: In your attachment. Joshua Pinter Joshua Pinter Does this download the whole bucket?

I have a similar method where I am downloading individual bucket objects based on their key. BigRon No, just the individual object in the bucket. But looking at my code snippets again, I think I've sliced out an important part! Thanks for pointing that out! BigRon Take a look at that now. Added the piece where you use the S3 bucket to actually get the object. I'll have to try your use of self. BigRon Let me know if self. Kenneth John Kenneth John 4 4 silver badges 8 8 bronze badges. David Morrow David Morrow 6, 4 4 rails download file from url badges 25 25 silver badges 24 24 bronze badges.

This has to download the file to the server before sending to the user, correct? Correct, rails download file from url, may not be an option depending on how large your files are. In my case they are small PDFs and this was acceptable. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook.

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Rails download file from url

rails download file from url

Dec 27,  · That’s why I’ve decided to download all the images that users embed in comments. After download, I attach them with Paperclip to their comments. Thanks to that, I can be sure, [ ] About me; Running with Ruby. Rails + Paperclip + Open-Uri – Downloading files from the internet and saving them with Paperclip Oct 31,  · Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Open in Desktop Download ZIP Launching GitHub Desktop. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Go back. Launching GitHub Desktop. If nothing happens, download a library to attach cloud and local files to Rails applications; Action Text, a library to handle rich text. Using send_file to download a file from Amazon S3? Ask Question Asked 7 years, redirecting to the url doesn't automatically download the file, Ruby on Rails AWS S3 Download URL. 2. Downloading an image from S3 using carrierwave (without open) 0.

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